This article provides the prerequisites and instructions to create a helpdesk ticket to correct a Multiple or Single Award IDV value.
Multiple to Single Conversion
Identify all agencies that have placed orders against the IDV
Inform agency administrators of each agency that “Fair Opportunity/Limited Sources” will be updated to blank
Obtain approval from each of the Order agency administrators for the change
Submit a ticket to the Help Desk
FPDS will perform a data management fix to convert the IDV from Multiple to Single. Once the fix is executed the following associated Order information will be provided
Summary counts by agency
Department Name (ID)
Contracting Agency Name (ID)
PIID details
Modification Number
Transaction Number
IDV Agency
IDV Modification Number
Date Signed
Dollar Amounts
Agency administrators should ensure that Competition information is accurate on any associated Delivery Orders.
Single to Multiple Conversion
Identify all agencies that have placed orders against the IDV
Inform agency administrators of each agency that the following data elements will be updated to blank on orders referencing the IDV and they are in charge of getting the data updated after the data fix.
Local Area Set-Aside
Number of offers received
Recovered Material Clauses
Statutory Exception to Fair Opportunity
Obtain approval from each of the Order agency administrators for the change
Submit a ticket to the Help Desk
FPDS will perform a data management fix to convert the IDV from Single to Multiple. Once the fix is executed the following associated Order information will be provided
Summary counts by agency
Department Name (ID)
Contracting Agency Name (ID)
PIID details
Modification Number
Transaction Number
IDV Agency
IDV Modification Number
Date Signed
Dollar Amounts
Agency administrators should ensure that Competition information is accurate on any associated Delivery Orders.